Those that know us know how particular we are when it comes to the quality of our products. We tend to prefer sterling silver or gold vermeil instead of base metals (non precious metals like copper, brass, aluminum etc) with the belief that if you're going to invest time into a piece, give it the quality it deserves. However, with the ever rising prices of gold and silver, the quality of some base metal products seem to be going up as well. While we'll never have a huge selection of base metal (there's just not enough room in the store for everything, even though we try) we are starting to carry some of these neat, nice quality base metal findings.

This is pretty exciting for us. We have a nice selection of copper beads, clasps, wire and chain, but there's never been a nice looking leather end to complete leather jewelry. Well, these aren't copper, but they sure look like it! Made of "red bronze" these ends have a slightly antiqued look and match our copper clasps almost perfectly. At only $ .70 each we just had to have them!
We just couldn't pass up these wonderfully petite (only a 1/2 inch tall) Buddha heads. The have a large enough hole to easily fit onto leather or thick gauge wire and the detailing is fabulous! Made of goldtone and silvertone base metal and red bronze they're only $1.95 each.
Sometimes the simplest clasp is the most desirable. This hardy brass hook and eye clasp has been slightly hammered with dimples to give a little extra shimmer. This is the newest edition to our growing collection of brass beads and findings and only costs $1.80 each.