Lost Cities Beads- A Place For the Unique

Friday, February 11, 2011

More, more, more Chinese crystal

If you thought we had a nice supply of Chinese crystal before, this just might send you over the edge. And the best news is the price! Every strand shown here, regardless of size or shape, is only $4.65 each. At that price you can afford to go crystal crazy!

3mm bicones
Tiny and very usable, these make perfect spacers for your larger beads, or wire wrap them into a delicate chain.

4mm bicones
More bicones, in a slightly larger size. Those orange colors are really cheery and a big hit around here!

8x6mm Drops
Great for earrings or a fringe style necklace. They're drilled from top to bottom, which makes them extra easy to wire wrap.

6x4mm Ovals
Lastly, this is my favorite shape we've ever gotten. I love to sprinkle these faceted ovals in long, layered wrap style necklaces. I need at least one strand of each color!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chunky, Gemmy Fun

Do you like large beads that are bold and beautiful enough to scream "here I am!"? Then this might just be your day.

Let's give you an idea of size because my idea of "chunky" might be a tad different than yours. The strand pictured above is the largest of the bunch, most strands will have beads as big as the smallest bead in this picture.

Amethyst in glowing purple tones and solid white quartz streaks. 
$14  per strand

Fluorite in all it's glorious colors. I love the double toned pieces, they really glow in the sunlight.
$10  per strand

Icy quartz! Enjoy all the beauty and none of the sub zero temperatures.
$18 per strand

Blue Lace Agate slices and chunks with beautiful sky blue tones.
$14 per strand

Amethyst again in more refined, evenly cut ovals. These pack a punch in the sparkle department!
$41 per strand

And, if you're not really interested in wearing them, why not do what I did and make a sun catcher to hang in the window? It's a fun project and (if you're really like me) your cats will also enjoy it.

Monday, February 7, 2011

It's Raining Gems...

...hallelujah! If you're in the neighborhood for drops, look no further! Whether you're looking for golden yellows, royal purples, or icy blues, we've got you covered. Explore your options...

Rutilated quartz (large drops) and fire opal (small, mixed drops).
Rutilated Quartz are $19-$46 each strand (and going FAST)
Fire Opal are $109

Aquamarine and Mixed Beryl strands.
Aquamarine strands $72-$92
Mixed Beryl strands $78-95
(mixed beryl refers to mixed strand that includes many colors of beryl including pink morganite, yellow heliodor and blue aquamarine)

Amethyst and Tanzanite
Amethyst cushion cut diamonds (top) $90-$96 per strand
Tanzanite drops (three middle strands) $42-73 per strand
Amethyst angle cut squares and rectangles (bottom two) $57-$92 per strand

Pointed drops (top three strands) $116-$136 per strand
Rounded tear drops (bottom three strands) $103-$148 per strand

Rounded tear drop shaped tourmaline strands $173-$229 per strand

Remember that more often than not we'll have these available in singles and you're always welcome to buy a half strand of anything over $10! With those options, you can really get what you want and feel good about not breaking the bank.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Primitive Finds

If you get our emails then you already know that the largest shipment of the year is in! This is the first of a series of entries that I'll post over the next week to show you some of the neat things we received. I'll try to cover everything...but there's soooo much you should just come in and visit.
Check out these new primitive finds...

We've had these fossil ammonites before in set pendants, but not in beads. Ammonites, for those not familiar, are an extinct group of marine invertebrate animals that are closely related to present day squid, cuttlefish and nautilus.
Full strands are $47 each, singles are also available

Petrified wood in two styles, large organic slices and large faceted drops. Petrified wood occurs when all the organic materials in the wood are replaced by minerals (most commonly silica).
Full strands of the organic slices are $28 (only two strands left!)
Full strands of the faceted drops are $29
Singles are available in both

Shark teeth are back! We've got two varieties this time. Large pieces are $10 each and small (with wire bails) are $1 each.

Banded agate in pendants and strands. The pendants are especially striking with very defined stripes and designs. Pendants are $6 each and full strands are $31 each.

Check out the size of these! I can already see the concern in your faces but fear not, these are not beads. These gorgeous decorative spheres are made of a type of Gypsum known as Selenite and have a beautiful cats eye effect. These turned out to be an instant employee favorite. At only $10 each, I'm sure they'll be gone soon.

See you soon!